itchy v.2

Interactive Poster

An interactive and mobile compatible iteration of itchy. Mouse press or touch repels the dots/particles that make up the text.
→ link to code

Design Process

Almost everything here is carried over from the moving poster/first version. To add interactivity, I already knew I wanted to do something with the mouse or touch that would "scratch" the itch, dispersing the particles or something. In order to do so, I turned the dots into vehicles and applied steering behaviors to them. (basically all from this Coding Train video)
I again had to reduce the frame rate, also reducing the speed of the text particles reactions, but I think my idea is still clear, and perhaps the slowness adds to the concept of the itch that can never be satisfied.


Again, I didn't really get to go deeper into the different mobile events, which is very unfortunate and completely my own fault again. I did try to look into the touch functions, but I realized mousePressed works on mobile, successfully completing my concept, so I didn't really go further. For the future, to make a better version of this, I definitely need to figure out using different canvas layers or something not global like reducing frame rate.


This project uses the free font Dephunked BRK from by Ænigma.
Code reference for p5js textToPoints() and vehicles came from this steering behaviors video by The Coding Train.