Face Generator

Generates different frog faces (and other things) with mouse click. Size/proportions and color variations use the p5js random() function, but parts/features will maintain their general positions on the face. Mouse position changes background color.
→ link to code

Design Process

I had a couple ideas of what I wanted to do, but the frog seemed to be the most well rounded and doable.

A lot of the initial frogs came out very phallic and elephant like, not ideal. It took a lot of adjustments here and there to make sure everything fit in its place properly


I learned a lot about using variables, using interdependent variables to maintain certain proportions. It was fun to figure out and see the bounds of what can be visually categorized as a "frog". A lot of non-frog looking things came up, not on purpose, but I didn't try to fix it because I think it makes everything more interesting, the way the same few elements can be construed to become something else.